How to create and populate a volumetric framework?

I have been trying to create a SealedVolumeFrameworkRepresentation and cannot find a createSealedVolumeFrameworkRepresentation method in the EpcDocument class.

Is there a (different) way to add it to the document?

Moreover, I do not know how to set regions and shells. I would have expected objects for and}VolumeRegion

or methods on SealedVolumeFrameworkRepresentation to create and pushback Shells and Regions

SealedVolumeFrameworkRepresentation is not supported in Fesapi (yet). Even if you can see the (empty cpp) corresponding class.

FYI, this class in RESQML 2.0.1 is known to be bugged (blocking bug) :
It has been resolved in RESQML 2.1 (then 2.2)

As received by email, it exists a workaround for v2.0.1:

  • Dummy shell assigned to SealedVolumeFrameworkRepresentation
  • Needs basing on a SealedSurfaceFrameworkRepresentation (but that can be generated just by reusing the data)

I cannot promise any deadline about this development at least for now. However, I just created a feature request to keep track of it :