I switched to resqml22 branch.
On the master I use the same hdf_proxy from a representation to write another representation.
For that I use the Uuid of the proxy given by an AbstractRepresentation to access the object using getDataObjectByUuid<>().
On the resqml22 branch this is no longer possible (the Uuid is not longer accessible via a getter).
I attempted to do something as below:
auto* rep = dynamic_cast<resqml2_2::PolylineSetRepresentation*>(obj);
auto factory = std::make_unique<COMMON_NS::HdfProxyFactory>();
auto dor = rep->getHdfProxyDor();
auto hdf_proxy = factory->make(dor);
hdf_proxy->getRelativePath(); // is Empty !
Then, the use of the hdf_proxy object in a pushBack raises an exception: what(): The HDF5 file does not exist or is not a valid HDF5 file.
Do you have any clue ?