Hi !
I do not understand how these representations work.
When I use I/J Origin and Offset functions to reconstruct my dataset, I have a lot of Nan in the table of z values.
Is it possible that my grid has a lot of “non enabled” faces/points (as an IJKGrid) ?
It is possible to get rid of these “non enabled” cells ?
What is a SupportingRepresentation ? (I do not understand the doc)
Have all 2d grids a supporting representation ?
Thanks in advance
Hi Lionel,
- Grid 2D Set Representation is deprecated (at least in fesapi and resqml 2.2, it no more exists). This is the only easy answer
Yes it is possible. Most of time, RESQML is flexible. You can imagine that you can get whatever someone wants to represent.
I tend to think “yes” iff they follow a regular pattern. Otherwise no.
Mainly, this is the description of the i and j dimensions of your 2d grid. This is not the Z values. Indeed, the Z values are defined in the (non supporting) representation.
No. Again : Most of time, RESQML is flexible. You can imagine that you can get whatever someone wants to represent.
Most of time yes because grid 2d representations wants to share a common definition of i and j dimensions : they just want to differ from their Z values.