Hi ,
I am currently implementing the the property export of an IJK grid. The visualization is good now, I can export any type of faulted IJK grid.
As for the properties, I begun by copying Fesapi example:
EML2_NS::PropertyKind* propType = m_gridRepo->createPropertyKind("0a5f4400-fa3e-11e5-80a4-0002a5d5c51b", "cellIndex", gsoap_eml2_1::eml21__QuantityClassKind__not_x0020a_x0020measure);
RESQML2_NS::DiscreteProperty* discreteProp = m_gridRepo->createDiscreteProperty(m_gridIJK, "4a305182-221e-4205-9e7c-a36b06fa5b3d", "test_prop", 1, gsoap_eml2_3::resqml22__IndexableElement__cells, propType);
std::vector<unsigned short> propValuesshort = { 0, 1 };
discreteProp->pushBackUShortHdf5Array3dOfValues(propValuesshort.data(), grid_dimensions.P1, grid_dimensions.P2, grid_dimensions.P3, m_gridHDFProxy, 1111);
RESQML2_NS::PropertySet* propSet = m_gridRepo->createPropertySet("62245eb4-dbf4-4871-97de-de9e4f4597be", "Testing property set", false, true, gsoap_eml2_3::resqml22__TimeSetKind__not_x0020a_x0020time_x0020set);
grid_dimensions = {2,1,1}
resqml2::IjkGridExplicitRepresentation* m_gridIJK;
common::DataObjectRepository* m_gridRepo;
eml2::AbstractHdfProxy* m_gridHDFProxy;
But when I tried to open my file, the EPC Validator-Editor returns an error message :
Without the property, my RESQML export is working fine, I can visualize the grid and the data of the EPC corresponds to what I expected.
Link to my EPC and H5 files : https://we.tl/t-pICj9QORVs
I would be really grateful if you could tell me what did I miss