Failing Build of fetpapi with JAVA_WRAPPER

Hello @philippeVerney
i’m trying to build fetpapi with java wrapper using command
cmake -G"Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -T host=x64 -Wno-dev -Wno-deprecated -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=C:\code\fesapiEnv\dependencies\openssl-0.9.8k_X64 -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR=C:\code\fesapiEnv\dependencies\boost_1_78_0 -DAVRO_INCLUDE_DIR=C:\code\fesapiEnv\dependencies\avro-cpp-1.10.2-install\include -DAVRO_LIBRARY_RELEASE=C:\code\fesapiEnv\dependencies\avro-cpp-1.10.2-install\lib\avrocpp_s.lib -DWITH_JAVA_WRAPPING=TRUE -DSWIG_EXECUTABLE=C:\code\fesapiEnv\dependencies\swigwin-4.1.1\swigwin-4.1.1\swig.exe C:\code\fesapiEnv\Fetpapi1\fetpapi

Configuring is done but generate failed

kindly guide me about this issue.
Sidrah Islam

Hi @sidrah855 ,

This is clearly a bug since my CI has got the same issue :
I think I just fixed it : Fix SWIG and CI · F2I-Consulting/fetpapi@06b539e · GitHub
You can git pull again now if you want or you can wait for the CI to confirm the bug fix : Fix SWIG and CI · F2I-Consulting/fetpapi@06b539e · GitHub

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hi @philippeVerney
i git pulled again and able to generate the java files using

cmake -G"Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -T host=x64 -Wno-dev -Wno-deprecated -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR=C:\code\fesapiEnv\dependencies\boost_1_78_0 -DAVRO_INCLUDE_DIR=C:\code\fesapiEnv\dependencies\avro-cpp-1.10.2-install\include -DAVRO_LIBRARY_RELEASE=C:\code\fesapiEnv\dependencies\avro-cpp-1.10.2-install\lib\avrocpp_s.lib -DWITH_ETP_SSL=FALSE -DWITH_JAVA_WRAPPING=TRUE -DSWIG_EXECUTABLE=C:\code\fesapiEnv\dependencies\swigwin-4.1.1\swigwin-4.1.1\swig.exe C:\code\fesapiEnv\Fetpapi3\fetpapi

but As i want to build fetpapi WITH_JAVA_WRAPPING so after cmake --build . --config Release -j2 i’m still getting issue

I made a new fix to solve this issue : Fix SWIG without FESAPI usage and add CI about that · F2I-Consulting/fetpapi@533332b · GitHub

You can try to git pull again.
Hoping that it will now be good.

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Thank you @philippeVerney it worked jar files are created.