Compiling fespp

I am willing to compile fespp on a CentOS system
Unfortunately sistematically get the following error message:
[ 1%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/Fespp.dir/Fespp.cxx.o
In file included from /developers/userexternal/a06agi06/RESQML/fespp_latest/fespp/src/Fespp.h:47:0,
from /developers/userexternal/a06agi06/RESQML/fespp_latest/fespp/src/Fespp.cxx:1:
/developers/userexternal/a06agi06/RESQML/fespp_latest/fespp/src/etp/VtkEtpDocument.h:46:60: fatal error: etp/ProtocolHandlers/DirectedDiscoveryHandlers.h: No such file or directory
#include <etp/ProtocolHandlers/DirectedDiscoveryHandlers.h>
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/Fespp.dir/Fespp.cxx.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/Fespp.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

I think the header file etp/ProtocolHandlers/DirectedDiscoveryHandlers.h is missing, and it isn not the only one probably.

Hi Alberto,

Fespp is still under active development. Sorry about that.
It is going to be hard/impossible for you to make a clean build of Fespp right now. We plan a release within the next months. Then, the build should be easier.

Next fespp commit should be resynchronized with the current fesapi etp branch. For now, it is totally not synchronized.


If you want to give a look at fespp, the latest “stable” release (only for windows and only Paraview 5.2) is here :

A very very very short user guide :
and release notes :

Just an update.
Fespp has now been released in version 2.0 on github based on Fesapi 0.13 (non MPI and non ETP mode) :