Cannot convert from hid_t to hdf5_hid_t &

Hi, following the README instruction of Fesapi (V1.0.0.0), I managed to generate Fesapi.sln with CMake. But during the compilation of the solution, there are quite a few build errors as following:

  1. a reference of type “hdf5_hid_t &” (not const-qualified) cannot be initialized with a value of type “hid_t”
  2. error C2664: ‘void common::AbstractHdfProxy::selectArrayNdOfValues(const std::string &,unsigned __int64 *,unsigned __int64 *,unsigned __int64 *,unsigned __int64 *,unsigned int,bool,hdf5_hid_t &,hdf5_hid_t &)’: cannot convert argument 8 from ‘hid_t’ to ‘hdf5_hid_t &’
  3. error C2511: ‘void common::HdfProxy::readArrayNdOfValues(const std::string &,void *,hid_t)’: overloaded member function not found in ‘common::HdfProxy’. It is inconsistent of arg type between .h calarification (hdf5_hid_t ) and .cpp implementation (hid_t )?
  • def in .h file: void readArrayNdOfValues(const std::string & datasetName, void* values, hdf5_hid_t datatype);
  • def in .cpp file: void HdfProxy::readArrayNdOfValues(const std::string & datasetName, void* values, hid_t datatype)

Appreciate very much for any proposal and solution (CMake setup or Visual studio setup) and the underneath logic of (hdf5_hid_t and hid_t).


At a first glance, it makes me thinking about an incorrect set of the HDF5_1_10 CMAKE variable as mentionned in the README, can you double check?

give real values, path and files to the following cmake variables:

    HDF5_1_10 : true if you link to a HDF5 library version 1.10. false (default) if you link to a HDF5 library version 1.8

FYI Error when compiling with HDF5 1.10 · Issue #76 · F2I-Consulting/fesapi · GitHub

During the current upgrade, the required HDF5 library version is 1.12. And the next round of upgrade, the version would be 1.14. So I am wondering how to setup the variable in CMake.

v2.0.0.0 states

  • Add HDF5 1.12 support
  • Use HDF5 v1.10 (and superior versions) instead of 1.8 for default builds

v2.9.0.0 states

  • Fix HDF5 version detection by CMake

I guess you should be good from v2.9.0.0. Otherwise you might expect some tweaks to make it working if you are unlucky.