Is there a way to know if a representation has been serialized to a file or not (is just in the RAM) ?
For example, I create a new PointSetRepresentation using the C++ API: resqml2_0_1::PointSetRepresentation* rep = epc_document_->createPointSetRepresentation(interpretation, ab_3d_crs, std::string(), name.toStdString());
Is there a function that tells me that rep is not stored in the epc yet and even more has no numerical data in the hdf5 file ?
Hi Lionel,
No there is not such function.
As a side note (if you start from scratch, from an empty epc document):
- A business object is never serialized before you call serialize method on the epc document.
- Numerical values are stored in HDF5 as soon as possible (it does not wait the call to serialize method of the epc document), as soon as you provide the numerical values.
If you don’t start from scratch, if you want to append some objects in an existing epc document, I would say that fesapi has not been designed at all for such an use case. Fesapi imports and exports, Fesapi does not handle an EPC Document as a store.